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Keeper's Corner

Tee-Shirt Coupon

Keeper's Corner

Keeper's Corner

  • Print off this coupon from this website. Be sure to include the entire page with all headers.  Coupon must be printed. Showing coupon on a "Smart Phone" is not eligible for promotion.
  • Fill out  this coupon, bring it into Keepers Corner LLC - Antique, Craft and Collectible Mall and get your FREE Keeper's Corner Tee-Shirt (value $10.00).

Name _____________________________________________________________________ Date __________________________________

Free Keeper's Corner Tee-Shirt offer is limited to one coupon per "customer" with a limit of one Free Tee-Shirt per customer for the total time of the offer.

To be considered a "customer", some type of purchase must be made from Keeper's Corner LLC.  Non-customers are not eligible for the FREE Tee-Shirt offer.

Keeper's Corner reserves the right to interpret the rules of this coupon as they see fit, to not honor this coupon or end this coupon promotion at any time.  Coupon is also limited to Tee-Shirts on hand. Photo copies are not eligible.

 Don't forget that the last Friday of each month is Keeper's Corner Crazy Tee-Shirt Days. Wear your KC Tee-Shirt and get 10% off of all purchases.

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